Length Convert


Feet Information:

Feet Definition: The foot (symbol: ft) is a unit of length in various measurement systems, including the Imperial system and the United States customary system. One foot is defined as 0.3048 meters.


Standard Use:
• The height of a door might be around 7 feet.
• Real estate measurements often include dimensions in square feet.

Everyday Measurements:
• Expressing a person's height in feet and inches.
• Describing the dimensions of a room or furniture in feet.


Imperial System:
• The foot is part of the Imperial system, commonly used in the United States and some other countries.
• In the Imperial system, 1 foot is equal to 12 inches.

• One foot is equivalent to 0.3048 meters in the metric system.
• There are three feet in a yard (3 feet = 1 yard).

Common Usage:
• Feet are frequently used for measuring height, dimensions of buildings, and property sizes.

Practice Problems:

• Convert 15 meters to feet.
• Express 9 feet in meters.

• If a room has dimensions of 12 feet by 10 feet, what is its area in square feet?
• A person's height is measured as 160 centimeters. Convert this height to feet.


• 15 meters ≈ 49.213 feet
• 9 feet = 2.7432 meters

• Area = Length × Width
• Area = 12 feet × 10 feet = 120 square feet
• 160 centimeters = 5.25 feet