Length Convert


Kilometer Information:

Kilometer Definition: A kilometer (symbol: km) is a unit of length in the International System of Units (SI), the current form of the metric system. It is defined as 1000 meters.


Standard Use:
• The distance between two cities might be measured in kilometers.
• A marathon race is approximately 42.195 kilometers.

Everyday Measurements:
• Estimating the length of a hiking trail in kilometers.
• Expressing the distance between locations on a map.


Metric Prefix:
• The kilometer is based on the SI unit meter, and the prefix "kilo" indicates that it is equal to one thousand meters.

Decimal System:
• Metric prefixes, including kilo-, follow a decimal system, making it easy to convert between different units.

Worldwide Use:
• Kilometers are widely used globally for measuring longer distances, especially in countries that have adopted the metric system.

Practice Problems:

• Convert 5000 meters to kilometers.
• Express 2.5 kilometers in meters.

• If a car travels at a speed of 80 kilometers per hour, how far will it travel in 3 hours?
• A rectangular field has a length of 1500 meters and a width of 800 meters. What is its area in square kilometers?


• 5000 meters = 5 kilometers
• 2.5 kilometers = 2500 meters

• Distance = Speed × Time
• Distance = 80 km/h × 3 h = 240 kilometers
• Area = Length × Width
• Area = (1500 meters × 800 meters) / (1000 meters/kilometer)^2 = 1.2 square kilometers