Length Convert


Inch Information:

Inch Definition: An inch (symbol: in) is a unit of length in the Imperial and United States Customary Systems. It is defined as 1/12 of a foot, and there are 12 inches in a foot.


Standard Use:
• The diagonal size of a computer monitor is often measured in inches.
• Heights of individuals may be expressed in inches.

Everyday Measurements:
• Measuring the length of a piece of paper or a book in inches.
• Specifying the size of a TV screen in inches.


Imperial System:
• The inch is primarily used in the Imperial and United States Customary Systems for lengths and distances.
• The conversion factor between inches and centimeters is 1 inch = 2.54 centimeters.

• An inch is further divided into fractions, such as halves, quarters, eighths, and sixteenths.

Worldwide Use:
• While the metric system is prevalent globally, inches are still commonly used in the United States and some other countries for certain applications.

Practice Problems:

• Convert 30 centimeters to inches.
• Express 18 inches in centimeters.

• If a rectangular frame has dimensions of 24 inches by 36 inches, what is its area?
• A person's height is measured as 68 inches. Convert this height to centimeters.


• 30 centimeters = 11.81 inches
• 18 inches = 45.72 centimeters

• Area = Length × Width
• Area = 24 inches × 36 inches = 864 square inches
• 68 inches = 172.72 centimeters