Length Convert


Meter Information:

Meter Definition: The meter (symbol: m) is the base unit of length in the International System of Units (SI). It is defined as the distance traveled by light in a vacuum in 1/299,792,458 seconds.


Standard Use:
• The length of a typical classroom might be around 10 meters.
• A typical car might have a length of about 4 meters.

Everyday Measurements:
• Measuring the dimensions of a room in meters.
• Determining the height of a person in meters.


Decimal System:
• The meter is part of the decimal-based metric system, making it easy to convert between different units.
• Metric prefixes, such as kilo-, centi-, and milli-, are commonly used with the meter.

Worldwide Use:
• The meter is widely used globally for measurements in various fields.
• Applications include science, engineering, construction, and everyday measurements.

Practice Problems:

• Convert 500 meters to kilometers.
• Express 2.5 kilometers in meters.

• If a rectangle has a length of 8 meters and a width of 5 meters, what is its area?
• A person's height is measured as 180 centimeters. Convert this height to meters.


• 500 meters = 0.5 kilometers
• 2.5 kilometers = 2500 meters

• Area = Length × Width
• Area = 8 meters × 5 meters = 40 square meters
• 180 centimeters = 1.8 meters